Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
On this blessed day of Eidul Adzha, Muslims all around the world are once again reminded of the great sacrifice of Nabi Ibrahim (AS) when he solemnly offered his son, his own flesh and blood, Nabi Ismael (AS) for qurban, in obedience and compliance to Allah (SWT)’s command and pleasure.
We have many takeaways from this wisdom of the Qur’an, one of which is the fact that for generations, we the Bangsamoro have been sacrificing ourselves for our right to self-determination, to better serve Allah (SWT) as a people and uphold our traditions. We have come a long way since then, and we still have a longer journey ahead.
On September 24, 2015, 1 appealed then to everyone to hold on fast to the peace process, and exhaust all means to achieve our aspiration for genuine, just, lasting, and dignified peace, and rightful place in the larger Philippine state. With a new Congress in 2016, we were faced with the challenge of shifting the peace process to the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte who has made possible the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law.
In 2017, we prayed for the immediate end to the armed fighting in Marawi City and other areas of the Bangsamoro. While it was fully recaptured on October 23 of that year from the hands of violent extremists, Marawi City still stands in ruins and pleads for rehabilitation and the immediate return of its displaced people to their lands. Your Bangsamoro Government is continuously making representations at the National Government to address this massive humanitarian crisis.
We uphold the belief that, if not for the sacrifices and patience of our people, especially our mujahideen and mujahidaat, we would not have reached this far in our struggle. We reaffirm our conviction that more personal and collective sacrifices and patience need to be offered further as we build the Bangsamoro Government.
Now, we continue to strengthen the ethical and moral values in our governance as the transition process gradually ushers in the BARMM. Let us, together, take responsibility and face the challenges of the future to come. Whatever these challenges are, we need only trust in ourselves, each other, and in especially in Allah (SWT)’s greater plan for all. From the fruits of our labors, let us show our gratefulness for all the blessings we have reaped, and learn from the sacrifices we endured. We move forward, ushering in a new generation of Bangsamoro who will continue our mission to truly establish peace, justice, brotherhood and progress for all.
Kullo aamin wa antum bikhayr, wassalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.