[email protected] | SKCC, Bangsamoro Government Center, Gov. Gutierrez Avenue, Cotabato City, Philippines, 9600

MOH administers 55k vaccinations

MOH Minister Dr. Bashary Latiph said during a press conference on Tuesday, June 15, that 41,899 persons from the first priority group received their first inoculation, and 13,659 of them already completed their doses.   COTABATO CITY—Officials of the Bangsamoro Government’s Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that as of June 14, the region has already…


Chief Minister’s Report to the Bangsamoro| June 15, 2021

Chief Minister’s Report to the Bangsamoro   15 June 2021 Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament Plenary     Subhanaka la ‘ilma lana ‘illa ma ‘allamtana ‘innaka ‘antal-‘Alimul Hakim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.   To the Wali of the Bangsamoro: Shiek Khalifa Nando, Parliament Speaker: Atty. Ali Pangalian Balindong, colleagues in the BTA Parliament, members of the Cabinet,…
